FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – A Cheap Plastic Rosary


Last week I was walking with a colleague of mine in the downtown of Funchal. We both need and deserve physical exercise. After stopping for a fewm oments to contemplate the ocean I was distracted y a young homeless man doing something that brought my curiosity. He would look very close to the pavement and then would bend down and pick up something that after being analyzed was thrown back to the pavement again.

It didn’t take too much time to discover that he was searching for lost coins.

It’s always disturbing for me to see a human being whom we Christians call Jesus, depending on lost coins to survive. I left my friend and approached the man. Politely I asked him if he wanted a cup of coffee. Of course he said yes. I dropped all my coins in his hands and we started a nice conversation.

His name was Pedro and he was suffering from epilepsy. The night before he had suffered an epileptic crisis. He lost his senses and instead of calling the ambulance somebody stole whatever he had.
Before, I used to think that the homeless people formed a «community» of friends. Maybe there are a few friends who help one another but what I suspect is that they consider themselves adversaries of each other and they compete for the «best» garbage cans and the best donors who treat them with compassion.

After spending some time sharing a few ideas and learning from one another I decided to say good bye. When I was ready to leave, Pedro took from his pocket a small plastic rosary and said:
«this is for you».

«But»…I stuttered «Maybe you would like to have it. Maybe you would need it». – I said.

But his answer was «I have another one». I never told him that I was a Catholic or that I was a Priest. I am wondering what made Pedro think that I was going to appreciate that rosary.

Now I have with me a «cheap» plastic rosary that for me is a priceless gift from a homeless brother.

Love and Peace

Fr. Bernardino Andrade,

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