From My Heart to Your Heart – A letter to Manolito

by Father Bernardino Andrade

This is a letter written by Fr. Bernardino to Manolito, a young boy celebrating his First Communion. It was read out to him during Mass:


One day an eight years old boy, called Pepe, was invited by his friends to spend a day playing and having fun in a park. His parents prepared a small bag with two sandwiches, some fruit, some peanuts, some cookies and a bottle of orange juice. They knew that it would be enough for him and share some with a friend, just in case. When Pepe was playing with his friends his attention was drawn to an old lady who was seated by herself, on a bench, under one of the trees of the park. She called his attention and his sight. She was different. Once in a while he would look at her and she would smile at him. At lunch time every child picked up his lunch, got together and enjoyed their meal and the company of one another.

Pepe took his lunch bag and approached the elderly lady, told her good morning and asked her if she was hungry. She smiled and said… -«just a little bit».

«Would you like to have some of my lunch? I have a lot», said Pepe.

The elderly lady answered: «If you don’t mind». – «Oh… by the way… what’s your name»? – «My name is Sara. » Then they started having lunch together. Not too many words but lots of smiles. Pepe could see that Mrs. Sara was not just a «little bit» hungry. Sara was really hungry. It was time to go home. They said good bye to each other and separated into different ways. But when Pepe got home he was feeling so happy and expressed that happiness not just in his face but also in the way he acted with his parents and the kindness he expressed to his brothers and sisters.

Everybody was very happy with the kindness and joy he was treating everyone. That was not his normal way of arriving home. Usually he was very tired and would feel irritated with anything: with his parents, his sisters and even with the cat. His mother asked him: – «Why are you so happy today»? Pepe’s answer was: «I had lunch with God in the Park. She had such a beautiful smile».

When Sara got home she looked so happy. She was transformed. Love has the power of transforming people. Her family was very surprised. That was not the normal way of Sara arriving home. She was always tired, angry and bitter. But this time she looked so happy. Her son approached her and asked: – «Mom! You look so different. You look so happy. What happened with you? ». Her answer was:
«I had lunch with God in the park. He is younger than I thought».

Manolito! The Bible says: «It is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me». (Gal. 2:20).
Do you want to know a secret? Pepe had a father and a mother like you have. I feel so privileged for having baptized you eight years ago. And giving you today your First Communion. I feel so privileged for having baptized your sister, Natalia, and your brother, Pedro. And I feel so privileged for having your father, Manolo, your mother, Carolina, and your grandmother, Arlinda, playing such an important role in the «People Helping People» Association.

God loves you and so do I.

Fr. Bernardino Andrade
May 31, 2020, Pentecost Sunday

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