FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – A Prostitute becomes a Nun

Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade

Lise, an English army girl, falls on hard times and becomes a prostitute after the liberation of Paris in World War II. Within a short time, she becomes the leading Madame in one of Paris’ smartest brothels owned by a man named Patrice. But Patrice soon tires of Madame Lise as his mistress and she is humiliated. In trying to help a younger prostitute escape from the same fate she suffered, Lise shoots and kills Patrice. So she is sent to prison where she meets the French Dominican Sisters of Bethanie.
The French Dominican Sisters of Bethanie is a community dedicated to serving prostitutes, drug addicts and vagrants; some of the sisters were once themselves such unfortunates.
Lise becomes one of the Sisters of Bethanie. Sister Lise is a prototype of the lost sheep, the lost coin and the lost son (Lk 15). God’s Grace is greater than our sins.
The story of the Good Shepherd, told by Jesus, is a «scandalous» story. In the Religious Community of Bethany there are former prostitutes, drug addicts and dirty homeless who became nuns, passionately in love with Jesus and His project. Only love, not cruel rules, are able to save and free people from their miseries and their sins and restore their dignity.

My friend Claudia Silva (Rosario Santos’ daughter) told me during supper at her mother’s house:
– « If you tell a homeless, a drug addict, a prostitute, a robber, a murderer, a sexual abuser: “You have dignity, you are beautiful, there is hope for you, heaven is waiting for you, you deserve to be happy and make other people happy, the world needs you because you are a human being and you have many talents, there’s a special place reserved in heaven for you, because God loves you without any conditions.”, he/she will not believe you; But if you treat him/her like an animal and say: “You are no more than a piece of garbage, hell is waiting for you, you deserve all the suffering you got because it is all your fault, all the world wants you to be dead, all the ‘good’ institutions are tired of you and would be happy to get rid of you.”, he/she will believe you. ».

« God so loved the world that he gave his only son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. » (John 3: 16).
« The biggest atheist is not the one who says he doesn’t believe in God. The biggest atheist is the one who doesn’t believe that God is able to change the heart of a person. » (L. Évely)

In the eyes of God there are no lost causes. «In the eyes of God there is not one irrecoverable human being.» (Pope Francis)

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