From My Heart to Your Heart – A Sermon without words

by Fr. Bernardino Andrade

A Franciscan monk was feeling fascinated by the preaching of St. Francis of Assisi, founder of the Franciscan Order. One day this monk took courage and asked St. Francis to please teach him how to preach.
Francis kindly answered positively. As it is obvious, the monk was expecting Francis to sit down with him and teach him the techniques on how to prepare a good sermon. Instead, Francis invited him for a long walk.


As soon as they left the Convent for the walk, they paused beneath a tree and Francis stooped to return a young bird to its nest. They went on, and stopped in a field crowded with reapers, and Francis bent his back to help load the hay onto a cart. From there they went to the town square where Francis lifted a bucket of water from the well for an old woman and carried it home for her. All day long he and St. Francis walked through the streets and by ways, alleys and suburbs, and they rubbed shoulders with hundreds of people. Each time they stopped, the young friar was sure that St. Francis was going to stop and preach. But no words of great truth or wise discourse issued from the Saint’s mouth.

Finally they went into the church, but Francis only knelt silently to pray. At the end of the day, the two headed back home. Not once had St. Francis addressed a crowd, nor had he talked to anyone about the Gospel. The young monk was greatly disappointed, and said to St. Francis:

-«I thought we were going to town to preach»?< St. Francis responded: . -«My son! We just did. we were preaching while we were walking and in everything we did. We were seen by many. And our behavior was closed watched. It’s no use to walk anywhere to preach unless we preach everywhere as we walk»! «Preach the Gospel at all times. Use words only if necessary.» Fr. Bernardino Andrade January 17th, 2021

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