FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – A Turbulent Trip – How the Corona Pandemic is like my plane flight in Africa

by Father Bernardino Andrade

Part of Mozambique, where I started my priestly life, makes frontier with the country of Malawi. It was not uncommon for me to travel between the city of Quelimane and a village called Milange, next door to Malawi to help with some pastoral service or just to accompany my Bishop in his Pastoral visits to this local Mission. The trip could be done by car which would take hours, or by small airplanes.
The most beautiful trips in my life happened in between these two places. The airplanes were very small. Like in a car, my favourite seat was on the side of the pilot, listening to his stories and having him like a tour guide. But the most fascinating thing was to look down and see herds of buffalos, elephants, lions, large tea and palm tree plantations, black people working and walking around and other wonders that make the beautiful green Africa so peculiar.

All Creatures great and small ...

All Creatures great and small …

This was the kind of trip that I had on that sunshine day, from Quelimane to Milange.

I spent a few days doing my job and returned home during the Holy Week. It was a very frightening experience. This time, I was seated in the back of the plane. There was no sun during the entire trip. The clouds were dark, the rain was heavy, and the wind was violent. Nobody had strength to talk. Not even to cry or to scream. The only strength we had was to hold on hard to the chairs and be silent. Some were praying, and some were just deadly scared and silent. The airplane was dancing like a dry leaf falling from a tree. If the airplane fell, nobody would find us.

I knew that if we found a little sunshine, the airplane would stop going up and down and we would have a smooth trip. I was praying and always thinking: «I know that after that dark cloud there will be sunshine». But after that dark cloud, instead of sunshine, there was another darker cloud. Then the same routine as if I was praying the Rosary: «I know that after that dark cloud there will be sunshine». «I know that after that dark cloud there will be sunshine». But after that dark cloud there was no sunshine. Finally we approached the airport. And we never saw any sunshine. But… alleluia…. We got something much better than sunshine. We got a safe landing. Then I relaxed. And thought: «Better than sunshine is a safe landing».

We are so used to the story of the Passion and death of Jesus that it is hard to feel the torture and the agony of that week until Jesus was nailed on the cross and died like a criminal. But three days later he rose from the dead. A healthy and vibrant man again. Death never had the last word. Jesus is alive. «I will be with you always» (Mat. 28:15). Shalom. Peace. Do not be afraid.

A small virus is keeping the world in a scary agony, in the middle of very dark clouds. The Risen Lord tells us that after Good Friday there will be Resurrection Sunday. After a dark cloud there will be a safe landing. Scientists are working twenty four hours a day to save their children, their spouses, their parents, and the entire world. I know that pretty soon, very soon, the world will be surprised with a bombastic good News: «A vaccine was found». Alleluia. The bells of the churches are going to ring, people will hug each other and will run to fill up the churches and pray and sing ALLELUIA. «GOD’S DELAYS ARE NOT GOD’S DENIALS» (Rev. Dr. R. Schuller).

Love & Peace,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade

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