FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – An Angel Came To Mass Last Sunday

– Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade

When «People Helping People» was born on February of 2010 as a small «grain of sand» to help in rebuilding lives after the tragedy that destroyed part of Madeira Island, I never thought that we were going to get so many rewards. We have seen many moments of deep joy in the eyes of hungry children and especially in the smiles and tears of many families who had no money to buy medicine, who had no money to buy food, no money for transportation and especially no possibilities to pay the rent of their houses. Fear for the unknown has always been one of the biggest daily companions of the poor.

But when we started this exciting project we never imagined that we were going to go through so many painful agonies without being able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Very often we agonize with the agony of the poor who have in People Helping People their only sign of hope. Last week was one of those weeks. Last Sunday was one of those Sundays.

It was Monday morning. I was having a cup of coffee with two members of People Helping People while waiting to start a meeting.

Dalila, the lady in charge of the finances, showed her concern telling me: «I don’t know what to do. We need this amount of money to respond to these specific needs that cannot wait and the bank account of People Helping People is reduced almost to zero euros».

I picked up my cell phone to see if there was any email from Tracy informing the results of the Sunday collection. I was shocked. An angel had attended Mass the Sunday before and had left inside the bag at the church door an anonymous envelope with a substantial donation for the poor. We had no words. Just moments of silence.

Dear Angel who attended last Sunday’s English Mass, whoever you are, or wherever you are, please accept our sincere thank you. We are going to «persecute» you with our prayers, our love and our deepest gratitude.

Love and Peace
Fr. Bernardino Andrade

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