– Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade

Under the umbrella of the « People Helping People » project, a new service was born at the Penha de França Chapel on the past June 12. It is called « Bread With My Brother ».

Initially it was called « The Back Door Ministry », and the goal was to offer a good hot meal to the homeless at least once a week; meals which would be provided by different restaurants. But then we thought that « Bread to My Brother » would be easier to understand. But that would mean a “we” and a “you” and not an “us” coming all together. And of course, that “we” and “you” would mean promoting social inequality. We realized that, even with good intentions, we would be building walls instead of bridges. So, finally, we made another change: the service would now be called « Bread With My Brother ».
Everyone is invited. Tourists are invited to eat with the homeless. The English speaking people are invited to eat side by side with the Portuguese speaking people. – No strings attached. No special collections, no boxes or bags passing around.
Different restaurants and different people are willing to share their food with this service that intends to bring together people from different social classes, different languages and different creeds.

  The meal is being served every Saturday in the Social Room of the Penha de França Chapel, at 1:00 PM. Please join us. If you are afraid of the homeless and the needy, please hug them like St. Francis did with the leper.

God loves you and so do I,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade

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