FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – Called To Feed and To Be Food


One of the most fascinating things about a human being is the capacity to feed and to be food. One of the most known chapters of the Gospel is John 6. Jesus talks about feeding, and he fed large crowds by multiplying bread. Then He talks, for a long time, about himself becoming and being bread. Bread of Life. He talks about Himself about becoming, and being, food.
Every time we attend our Sunday Mass we learn and are inspired to be like Jesus. That means to feed, and to be food.


American actor, Tony Randall, famous for his role as Felix in «The Odd Couple», once had an experience that surely was the inspiration for a current credit card commercial.

Randal was in a jewellery store in New York City. The store’s owner recognized him and was very excited. He declared that Randall was his all-time favourite actor. What a treat it would be for his wife, the man said, if she could talk to the Tony Randall. Randall graciously agreed. So, the man called his wife and Randall had a short, pleasant conversation with her as she gushed on and on about how wonderful he was. Finally, Randall came to the point of his visit to the jewellery store. There was a gold necklace in the window that had caught his eye. He would like to buy it. Would the store accept a personal cheque? The store owner hesitated, then asked, «Do you have any identification?»

Recognition only goes so far. The store owner only goes so far. The store owner was ready to idolize Tony Randall. He wasn’t ready to trust him.

It is possible for people to attend Mass today and worship Jesus, but still not trust Him with their lives?

Jesus is not in search of admirers. Jesus is in search of followers.

According to statistics from Oxfam, 2.500 people will die of hunger during the typical one-hour Church service. Two thirds of them will be children.

Love and Peace,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade

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