FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – Celebrating Little Accomplishments

– Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade

Father Bernadino

When I visited Brazil for the first time in1983 there were no emails, no telephones. Letters only. So one day I received a letter from my housekeeper just to give me some special and exciting good news: her four-year-old son didn’t need diapers anymore. Her son was a very special and challenging child – he was autistic. I didn’t think that it was a big deal.

One year later I had my Sabbatical in Notre Dame University (in the USA) and I attended part of a graduation ceremony of the new doctors. One of the mothers there to see her son graduating was from California, and because I am also from California, we started talking. I mentioned what a big accomplishment it must be for a mother to attend her son’s graduation ceremony « However, » – I added – « an accomplishment like this is a sum of many, many little accomplishments in a mother’s life.». Then I mentioned the big accomplishment of my housekeeper when her son had learned how to use the bathroom and didn’t need diapers any more. I was amazed with her answer: « Father, that is one of the biggest accomplishments in a mother’s life. ».

I was surprised that she didn’t even smile. She really meant what she said.

Since then I understood that life is made of many little accomplishments and I am sorry that I have missed so many opportunities to celebrate them. I am sorry that I have seen so many people like me, missing these opportunities…

Love and Peace,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade

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