From My Heart to Your Heart – Don’t forget to give your garbage ….



I grew up before the Council Vatican II, in a very clericalist Christian Society. The only non-priest person I met teaching about Jesus was my Catechist when she prepared me for my First Communion and my Confirmation. Otherwise, only priests talked about God.

I was already a Seminarian when I heard, for the first time, this married young lay man talking to the Seminarians about God and about Spirituality. I was fascinated. His words and his intimacy with God had a great impact on me. He didn’t tell us how good he was, but how good God was. He talked about his prayer life and his daily walking with God. I remember him telling us about his moments of joy and also about his «dark nights» in his relationship with Jesus. But what I never forgot was when he said:

«How many times my days have been so bad that my evening prayer was simply: – «Here I am Jesus, at the end of this day, in which everything went wrong and the only thing I have that I can offer to you is a basket of garbage. I have nothing else to offer you».

I wouldn’t be surprised if most of us have felt like that. I have.


St. Jerome lived for twenty-five years in the cave where the Child Jesus was born. One time he addressed to Jesus this prayer:

«Dear Child, you have suffered much to save me; How can I make emends?»
«What can you give me Jerome?», a voice was heard.
«I will spend my entire life in prayer, and I will offer all my talents into your hands», Jerome replied.
«You do that to glorify me, but what more can you give Me»? The Voice asked again.
«I will give all my money to the poor». Jerome exclaimed.
The Voice said: «Give your money to the poor; that it would be just as if you were giving it to Me. But what else can you give to Me?».

St. Jerome became distraught and said: «I have given You everything! What is there left to give?»

– «Jerome, you have not given me your sins,» the Lord replied. «Give your sins to Me, so I can erase them ». With these words Jerome burst into tears and spoke: «Dear Jesus, take all that is mine and give me all that is Yours.»


Lent is a time to be more aware of our weaknesses and our sins. It is a special time to offer to God our sins. It is a time of renewal. God has many ways to forgive our sins. God never gets tired of forgiving. God, knowing our weaknesses, has even a special Sacrament to reconnect us. To heal us. To embrace us. The Sacrament of Reconciliation with Confession to a priest is not the encounter of a sinner with a judge. The Sacrament of Reconciliation confessing our sins to a priest and receiving the absolution is the meeting of two sinners who get together to celebrate the forgiveness and mercy of God who has no limits.


Every Sunday of Lent, after Mass, I will be available in the privacy of the UPPER ROOM of the Moynihans Restaurant (up the road from the Chapel) to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation with Confessions. Those who are not planning to go to Confession (including non-Catholics and children) are welcomed to approach the priest for a special blessing in the UPPER ROOM.

Fr. Bernardino Andrade


Lent began this week on Ash Wednesday (February 17th). Under normal circumstances, Catholics would walk out of Ash Wednesday services with a cross-shaped smudge on their foreheads.

This year, with the coronavirus pandemic, things are a little different. There was no Ash Wednesday Mass at the Chapel, but today you will be receiving a small packet of blessed Ashes to take home.

Father Bernardino has an idea which he would like to suggest this year. His idea is for people to prepare in their homes a “Little Corner of Lent” to keep the ashes, that would be like replacing the “Christmas Tree” for Christmas. It would remind them to pray together, even if it is a very short prayer. That would be a daily reminder of this special season of Lent.


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