– Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade
It was last Saturday, August 20th, 2016. It was my latest Wedding. Grace Farinha and Tiago Rentroia were united by the Sacrament of Matrimony. They didn’t receive the Sacrament of Matrimony like it happens with the other Sacraments. They became a Sacrament. They became a symbol, of the passion that God has for his people.

Grace’s parents, because they live in Funchal, are regular attendants of the Sunday English Mass at the Chapel of Penha de França, where they are very active.
A few weeks before the Wedding Day we had a few meetings, not mainly to prepare for the Wedding Day, but to prepare for their Married Life. The ceremony lasts a few hours. The Sacrament lasts forever. In our meetings, I gave them some home work. I asked them to please write three love letters to each other, trying to answer these three questions:

1 – Think about a couple you most admire in your life and you would like to take as a role model for your married life. Please write the qualities you most admire in them, that you would like to imitate in your own family.

2 – Share with each other the fears (if any) that you feel by embarking on this new adventure of living with each other, knowing that it is for the rest of your life.

3 – Share with each other your dreams and your hopes that you feel by embarking on this new adventure of living with each other, knowing that it is for the rest of your life.

Their answers to questions number 2 and 3, I invited them to keep and to dialogue with each other in private, unless they felt that they would like to share the answers with another person like a counselor, a priest or a special friend; and I told them that they were welcome to share with me their reply to question number 1 if they wished to do so. Without discussing or planning in advance, both of them shared with me, in front of one another, that the couple that they most admire and would like to imitate were their own parents. (Tiago’s parents have been married for 35 years and Grace’s parents have been married for 45 years.) Then they started talking about their parents’ qualities.

After this wonderful and emotional sharing, around a cup of coffee, they decided to go back to question number 3, and both agreed that «my dreams and my hopes in the future are that our children would talk about us as we are talking about our parents».
Love is not a feeling. Love is not an attraction. Love is a decision. Love is a commitment. LOVE IS STILL ALIVE!

God loves you and so do I,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade

* Wedding photos taken by professional photographer, Miguel

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