FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – Memories of Notre Dame Cathedral

Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade
The world is grieving for the Notre Dame Cathedral. What happened was not just a building being burnt. What happened was a huge library full of history and full of little and significant stories. This could be one of them.

The Bishop of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris during the early part of the last century was a great evangelizer who tried to reach out to unbelievers, scoffers, and cynics. He liked to tell the story of a young man who would stand outside the Cathedral and shout derogatory slogans at the people entering to worship. He would call them fools and other insulting names.

The people tried to ignore him, but it was difficult. One day the parish priest went outside to confront the young man, much to the distress of the parishioners. The young man ranted and raved against everything the priest told him. Finally the priest addressed the young scoffer saying: «Look, let’s get this over with once and for all. I am going to dare you to do something and I bet you can’t do it». And of course, the young man shot back: «I can do anything you propose, you white robe wimp!». «Fine» said the priest. «All I ask you to do is come to the sanctuary with me. I want you to stare at that figure of Christ on his cross, and I want you to scream at the very top of your lungs, as loudly as you can. «Christ died on the cross for me, and I don’t care one bit». So the young man went into the sanctuary, and looking at the figure, screamed as loudly as he could: «Christ died on the cross for me and I don’t care one bit.»

The priest said: «Very good. Now do it again». And again, the young man screamed, with a little more hesitancy:

«Christ died on the cross for me, and I don’t care one bit». «You’re almost done» said the priest. «One more time». The young man raised his fist, kept looking at the crucifix, but the words wouldn’t come. He could not look at the face of Christ and say those words any more.

The real punch line came when after he told the story, the Bishop said:
«I was that young man! That young man, that defiant young man was I. I thought I didn’t need God but I found out that I did.

Happy Easter.

Love and Peace,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade

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