FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – No Catholics in Heaven

by Fr. Bernardino Andrade

Father Bernadino with Father Michael

Father Bernadino with Father Michael

Mr. Johnson, who belonged to an Evangelical Church, died and went to Heaven. God, who was his companion during all his life, welcomed him in heaven with great joy and excitement like a mother welcomes her baby. One of the first things Mr. Johnson did was to enquire about who was in heaven. With that purpose he asked God his first question.

-«Are there any Catholics in heaven?» And God answered: – «No. There are no Catholics in Heaven». – «That’s what I expected», said Mr. Johnson, «Catholics changed the Bible, they worship statues, they think that Mary is the fourth Person of the Holy Trinity. Of course they don’t deserve Heaven. I knew that».

Then another question: «What about Baptists and Methodists? Are there any of them in Heaven?». And God’s answer was the same: – «No! No Baptists and Methodists in Heaven». – «Of course I was also expecting that. They misinterpreted the Bible and did things against the word of God. I knew that they would never get to Heaven».

«And what about Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists and all that confusion of religions»? Right. «No Muslims, no Hindus and no Buddhists in Heaven». – «That is obvious. Jesus is the only Saviour and they are so ignorant that they thought that they could get to Heaven without Jesus. In Heaven there is no room for ignorant people.»

Finally the last question. – «God… what do you have to say about my Evangelical Church?» And God’s answer was the same: «No one with that kind of Church’s name is in Heaven».

Mr. Johnson was breathless. «But my God… We, the members of my Church, frequently read and studied the Bible, we did everything right. Why are there no members of my Church in Heaven? If WE are not in Heaven, then please tell me who is in Heaven? »

And God’s answer was:

«My son… in Heaven I only have sons and daughters. You are the ones who made that mess of religions, not Me. I only created sons and daughters to take care of one another and to come to Heaven together. »

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