FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – The Handkerchief In My Left Pocket

Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade

I always use two handkerchiefs. One in each pocket. The handkerchief in my right pocket is coloured and I use it for everything I need. It is «my» handkerchief. When I change my daily cloths, the handkerchief in my right pocket goes to the laundry basket. The handkerchief in my left pocket is white and I never use it for anything. It is not mine. It is always ready for emergencies that are very rare. It goes directly from my pocket to the laundry basket without being used. It is always clean and ready.
One day I was with my family in one of the mountains of Brazil. I saw a lady whose son had smashed the door of her car on her finger, and it had started bleeding painfully. I offered her the handkerchief from my left pocket and I assured her that it had never been used. She took it, and I left it with her. The handkerchief from my left pocket helped to stop the bleeding finger of a woman I had never seen before, and I would never see again. I prayed for her and thanked God for the gift of the handkerchief in my left pocket.
For a few years my niece Ana lived with me in California. Before she took her driver’s licence she was always a passenger and I was the driver of my car. One thing that started bothering me was that, very often, she used and abused the use of the handkerchief that I kept in my left pocket. And of course she knew, and I knew, that that handkerchief would never be returned. One day she sneezed and as usual she asked me for the handkerchief from my left pocket. I gave her my handkerchief but impatiently remarked: – «Ana! You know that a handkerchief is something very personal that you always need. Why don’t you start bringing your own handkerchief? ». A little embarrassed, she answered: – «Tio (that means uncle), you will never know how good it is to travel in life with someone who always carries a handkerchief I can use every time I need one, to wipe my tears, my sweat, to blow my nose or anything so personal or dirty like covering a sneeze. Yes! Anything very personal and no questions asked. Thank you «tio» for the handkerchief from your left pocket. Please never stop using it. You may find in your life other people who may need the handkerchief from your left pocket with no questions asked».
Of course I felt tears in my eyes and since then I continue to always carry a white handkerchief in my left pocket. It is always clean and always available for anyone who needs it with no questions asked. «Help carry one another’s burdens» (Gal. 6:2)

Love and Peace,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade

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