FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – The Wedding Ring in Portuguese

– by Fr. Bernardino Andrade

The Bible begins with one wedding (Adam and Eve in the Garden, Gen. 2: 23-24), and ends with another Wedding (The marriage supper of the lamb (Rev. 19:9, 21: 9, 22:17). Throughout the Bible, Marriage is the symbol of the Covenant relationship between God and His chosen people.
Today, (16/01/2022) the second Sunday of the ordinary time C, the Gospel (Jo. 2:1-11) presents us the first sign, or the first miracle of all miracles that Jesus performed during his public life. Jesus, His mother and His disciples had been invited to a wedding. But at certain point the wedding party ran out of wine. The situation was confusing and embarrassing. Mary brought the problem to Her Son and the miracle happened. Six stone water jars were transformed into six stone wine jars.

When I was in the USA I had the privilege of watching, many times, the «Tonight Show» hosted by Johnny Carson. Actually, he hosted this famous daily show for over 30 years. One night he was interviewing an eight-year-old boy. The young boy was asked to appear on the Late Show because he had rescued two friends from a coal mine outside his home town in West Virginia. As Johnny questioned him it became apparent that the boy was a Christian. Johnny asked him if he attended Sunday school. When the boy said he did, Johnny inquired: «What are you learning in Sunday School? ». «Last week, the boy replied, our lesson was about how Jesus went to a Wedding and turned water into wine». The audience burst into laughter and applause. Keeping a straight face, Johnny asked: «And what did you learn from that story?» The boy squirmed in his chair. It was apparent he hadn’t thought about this. But then he lifted up his face and said: «If you are going to have a wedding, make sure you invite Jesus and Mary». And this is precisely the message of today’s gospel: Make sure you invite Jesus and Mary wherever you live and wherever you go. They are the only ones you’ll ever need. In other words, today’s Gospel lesson is about the sufficiency of Jesus in our lives and the power of Jesus’ Mother’s intercession.

During my 56 years as a priest, I wish I could count how many weddings I have performed. Unfortunately, I don’t have any records of them. But I can say that they have been a lot in different countries and different cultures and religions. All of them have a tradition of exchanging rings as a profound symbol of love and fidelity. All of them are called (in their languages) «wedding rings». Except in the Portuguese culture. In the Portuguese culture they are called «alianças» which means «COVENENT». That is the «only theme of the Bible – «I AM YOUR GOD, YOU ARE MY PEOPLE».

The Sacrament of Matrimony is the symbol of the passion that God has for His people

Fr. Bernardino Andrade

MASS SPECIAL INTENTION – Florinda Da Silva Gouveia

Today’s Mass intention is in memory of Florinda Da Silva Gouveia, w

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