by Father Bernardino Andrade


One of the most powerful and transforming Catholic movements in the USA Catholic Church is the Worldwide Marriage Encounter. It was founded by Fr. Chuck Gallagher and it has been spreading throughout the world. Personally, I have had the privilege of making the Marriage Encounter Weekend for my own benefit and then, along with one other priest and three couples, I had the privilege of conducting a few Marriage Encounter Weekends, especially in Portuguese, that start on a Friday night and end on a Sunday late afternoon. The purpose of this weekend is not to help to save Marriages. For that purpose there is another one called «Retrouvaille Weekend». The Marriage Encounter Weekend’s purpose is to make good couples better couples. The slogan of this so-called «Experience» is: «COUPLE POWER IS GOING TO CHANGE THE WORLD».


This «World Marriage Day», which has been promoted by the American Marriage Encounter Movement, is celebrated every year on the second Sunday of February. If I understand well, it is not to compete with «Valentine’s Day» on February 14th, but to tell people that in Marriage there is lots of room for romance. Romance is not only for single couples on Valentine’s Day but it is mainly for couples in permanent relationships. One of my main appeals for couples united by the Sacrament of Marriage is that their Marriage should be visible. It has been very popular the idea that «you don’t need to show your love». According to this belief, «love is inside of you and that is enough». With this belief in mind I have seen many people dying of loneliness because there is no expression of love. According to Dr. Robert Schuller, a bell is not a bell until it is played, a song is not a song until it is sung, love is not love until it is expressed.


When last Sunday I invited the couples that were celebrating their Wedding Anniversaries during the month of February to come up for a special blessing, I invited two of them to renew their vows. The first couple said: «I renew my vows of love and fidelity I made to you 50 years ago». The second couple said:«I renew my vows of love and fidelity I made to you last Friday!». Before a clap of hands there was a joyful laughter. We believe that renewing their vows daily is the best and safest way to prepare the 50th anniversary.

Love and Peace,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade

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