Newsletter, 16th November 2014, 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time


The Book of Proverbs united ancient values and ideals with Israel’s understanding of God. Written at the time of the exile, about 500 BC, it was intended for serious study in the effort to gain wisdom. Today’s reading is more than a song praising both the housekeeping and commercial activities of a good wife – it is Wisdom in action. And it recognises that a wife should share in the benefits of her work.
Paul’s wrote to the Thessalonians from Corinth about 51 AD after Timothy had brought news of the developing Thessalonian church. The “Day of the Lord” will come. Roman – and our – peace can be shattered at any time. We are now “children of the light and of the day”, aroused the Holy Spirit. We must slough off the confusing darkness of the world. We must learn wisdom and live every day in justice and integrity, as if it will be our last.
Matthew’s parable of the talents almost ends Jesus’ teaching before his passion begins. Again we are urged to live wisely and justly while dutifully preparing for the day of judgement, which will certainly come. We must use for God’s purposes the resources we have been given. But we must also work at developing our faith, otherwise we may lose it. Effort is needed, as with learning wisdom.

Psalm Response: O blessed are those who fear the Lord.

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