Newsletter 10th August, 19th Sunday of Year A

Thoughts on Today’s Scripture Readings

1 Kgs 19:9,11-13        Ps 84   Rom 9:1-5      Mt 14:22-33
The books of Kings, Joshua, Judges and Samuel tell the story of Israel from entering the Promised Land until the exile in Babylon. Not simply history, they show the frequent unfaithfulness of the Chosen People, leading to their exile. After Elijah successfully called on God to produce rain, he killed all the failed prophets of Baal. Now he has had to flee from Jezebel’s threat of revenge, and has come to Mount Horeb, ie Sinai, the traditional site of God appearing to men. After Elijah recognises God in “a light murmuring sound” – “a sound of fine silence”, God promises a remnant of faithful Israelites will survive, and gives Elijah more tasks.
 Paul shows the Romans just how great is his agony that most of the Chosen People have failed to recognise God in Jesus: he would be willing to give up even his own hope of salvation “if it could help my brothers of Israel”.
 Matthew describes a small group who do recognise Jesus, and are willing to step out into the unknown to be with him. Jesus encourages them: they have “little faith”, but it is enough for them to believe that he is “Son of God”. (Matthew teaches what the disciples understood after the Resurrection, although Mark says “they did not understand”.)
Psalm Response:         Let us see, O Lord, your mercy, and give us your saving help.


Fr. Bernardino Andrade


Dr. Robert Schuler, was a Protestant Minister in California. He was one of my heroes in helping me to shape my Catholic Ministry. He used to say that «Hell will occur if one day God shows us the opportunities that we have missed in life»


A man named Smith climbed upon the roof of his riverside house during a flood, confident that his God would save him miraculously. When the flood water had covered his feet, a neighbour in his canoe paddled past and shouted, «Can I give you a lift to a higher ground?»
«No thanks,» said Smith. «I have faith in the Lord and He will save me».

Soon the water had risen to Smith´s waist. At this point a motorboat pulled up and someone invited him to get into to boat and escape. But Mr. Smith adamantly refused the offer declaring his faith in the saving power of his God.

Later when Smith was standing on the roof with water up to his neck somebody from a helicopter dropped a rope and the pilot yelled at him, «Grab the rope before the water currents push you down.» – «No, thanks, said Smith. «I have faith in the Lord and He will save me». But after a while Mr. Smith lost his grip on the roof, fought for his life for a time and finally drowned.

As he arrived at the Pearly Gates he met his God and launched a complaint about this turn of events.
-«Tell me, Lord, he said, «I had such faith in You to save me and you let me down». Why? It was not fair.»
-The Lord replied, «What did you expect Me to do? I sent two boats and a helicopter to save you.»

How many opportunities I miss in my daily life, to grow in my relationship with God, with others, to help the poor, to heal relationships and so on. For me it is easier to blame God or the devil or others or bad luck.

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