Newsletter, 8th March 2015, 3rd Sunday of Lent, Year B

Scripture Readings

In last week’s reading from Genesis God promised to shower blessings on Abraham and his descendants. Today’s reading from Exodus spells out the people’s part of the covenant. The Law given to Moses on Sinai starts with the ten commandments, and is followed by 10 chapters of detailed laws about behaviour and ritual. Meanwhile, back at the foot of the mountain, the people became bored, and built a golden calf to worship! The psalm underlines the irony: God’s decrees “are more to be desired than gold”.

Paul began his letter to the Corinthians by telling them to stop squabbling among themselves. They should not divide into opposing groups, saying “I belong to Paul” or “I belong to Apollos”, and so on. They must follow the crucified Christ only. Christ has brought the Law of Moses to completion by his command to love one another. He demonstrated this love by dying on the Cross – “a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles”.

In John’s gospel Jesus cleanses the Temple at the beginning of his ministry, instead of towards the end, as in the other gospels. Jesus claims he will rebuild the Temple in three days, replacing it with himself and antagonising the Jewish leaders. From the start of John’s gospel Jesus’ death and resurrection are foreshadowed.

Psalm Response: You, Lord, have the message of eternal life.

(Exodus 20: 1-17; Psalm 18(19); 1 Cor 1: 22-25; John 2: 13-25)

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