
The following newsletters can be viewed online by selecting the appropriate link:

Our Latest newsletter


19/05/2024 – Pentecost Sunday (B)
12/05/2024 – Ascension (B)
5/05/2024 – 6th Sunday of Easter (B)
28/04/2024 – 5th Sunday of Easter (B)
21/04/2024 – 4th Sunday of Easter (B)
14/04/2024 – 3rd Sunday of Easter (B)
7/04/2024 – 2nd Sunday of Easter (B)
31/03/2024 – Easter Sunday (B)
24/04/2024 – 6th Sunday Lent(B)
17/04/2024 – 5th Sunday Lent(B)
17/04/2024 – 5th Sunday Lent(B)
10/04/2024 – 4th Sunday Lent(B)
03/03/2024 – 3rd Sunday Lent(B)
25/02/2024 – 2nd Sunday Lent(B)
18/02/2024 – 1st Sunday Lent(B)
11/02/2024 – 6th Sunday(B)
04/02/2024 – 5th Sunday (B)
28/01/2024 – 4th Sunday (B)
21/01/2024 – 3rd Sunday (B)
14/01/2024 – 2nd Sunday (B)
07/01/2024 – Epiphany (B)

2023 Newsletters

2022 Newsletters


19/12/2021 – 4th Sunday of Advent(C)
12/12/2021 – 3rd Sunday of Advent(C)
05/12/2021 – 2nd Sunday of Advent(C)
28/11/2021 – 1st Sunday of Advent(C)
21/11/2021 – 34th Sunday (B)
14/11/2021 – 33rd Sunday (B)
07/11/2021 32nd Sunday – (B)
31/10/2021 31st Sunday – (B)
24/10/2021 30th Sunday – (B)
17/10/2021 29th Sunday – (B)
03/10/2021 27th Sunday – (B)
26/09/2021 26th Sunday – (B)
19/09/2021 25th Sunday – (B)
12/09/2021 24th Sunday – (B)
05/09/2021 23rd Sunday – (B)
29/08/2021 22nd Sunday – (B)
11/07/2021 15th Sunday (B)
04/07/2021 14th Sunday (B)
20/06/2021 12th Sunday (B)
02/05/2021 Fifth Sunday – Easter (B)
25/04/2021 Fourth Sunday – Easter (B)
18/04/2021 Third Sunday – Easter (B)
11/04/2021 Divine Mercy Sunday (B)
04/04/2021 Easter Sunday (B)
28/03/2021 Palm Sunday (B)
21/03/2021 5th Sunday of Lent (B)
14/03/2021 4th Sunday of Lent (B)
7/03/2021 3rd Sunday of Lent (B)
28/02/2021 2nd Sunday of Lent (B)
21/02/2021 1st Sunday of Lent (B)
14/02/2021 Sixth Sunday (B)
07/02/2021 Fifth Sunday (B)
07/02/2021 Fifth Sunday (B)
31/01/2021 Fourth Sunday (B)
24/01/2021 Third Sunday (B)
17/01/2021 Second Sunday (B)


20/12/2021 Fourth Sunday Advent (B)
13/12/2021 Third Sunday Advent (B)
22/11/2020 Christ the KIng (A)
15/11/2020 32nd Sunday (A)
08/11/2020 31st Sunday (A)
1/11/2020 All Saints (A)
25/10/2020 30th Sunday (A)
18/10/2020 29th Sunday (A)
11/10/2020 28th Sunday (A)
04/10/2020 27th Sunday (A)
27/09/2020 26th Sunday (A)
06/09/2020 23rd Sunday (A)
30/08/2020 22nd Sunday (A)
16/08/2020 20th Sunday (A)
09/08/2020 19th Sunday (A)
02/08/2020 18th Sunday (A)
26/07/2020 17th Sunday (A)
26/07/2020 17th Sunday (A)
19/07/2020 16th Sunday (A)
12/07/2020 15th Sunday
05/07/2020 14th Sunday (A)
31/05/2020 Pentecost (A)
24/05/2020 Ascension Sunday (A)
17/05/2020 6th Sunday of Easter (A)
03/05/2020 4th Sunday of Easter (A)
19/04/2020 Second Sunday of Easter(A)
12/04/2020 Easter Sunday (A)
05/04/2020 Palm Sunday (A)
29/03/2020 5th Sunday of Lent (A)
08/03/2020 2nd Sunday of Lent (A)
23/02/2020 7th Sunday (A)
23/02/2020 7th Sunday (A)
16/02/2020 6th Sunday (A)
09/02/2020 5th Sunday (A)
02/02/2020 Presentation of the Lord (A)
26/01/2020 4th Sunday (A)
19/01/2020 3rd Sunday (Ord Yr A)
05/01/2020 Ephiphany (Yr A)


29/12/2019 Holy Family (Yr A)
22/12/2019 4th Sunday Advent (Yr A)
15/12/2019 3rd Sunday Advent (Yr A)
08/12/2019 2nd Sunday Advent (Yr A)
01/12/2019 1st Sunday Advent (Yr A)
24/11/2019 34th Sunday (Yr C)
17/11/2019 33rd Sunday (Yr C)
03/11/2019 31st Sunday (Yr C)
27/10/2019 30th Sunday (Yr C)
13/10/2019 28th Sunday (Yr B)
06/10/2019 27th Sunday (Yr B)
29/09/2019 26th Sunday (Yr B)
22/09/2019 25th Sunday (Yr B)
15/09/2019 24th Sunday (Yr B)
08/09/2019 23rd Sunday (Yr B)
01/09/2019 22nd Sunday (Yr B)
25/08/2019 21st Sunday (Yr B)
18/08/2019 20th Sunday (Yr B)
11/08/2019 19th Sunday (Yr B)
04/08/2019 18th Sunday (Yr B)
28/07/2019 17th Sunday (B)
21/07/2019 16th Sunday (B)
14/07/2019 15th Sunday (B)
07/07/2019 14th Sunday (B)
30/06/2019 13th Sunday (B)
16/06/2019 Holy Trinity (C)
09/06/2019 Pentecost (C)
02/06/2019 Ascension (C)
26/05/2019 Sixth Sunday of Easter(C)
19/05/2019 Fifth Sunday of Easter(C)
12/05/2019 Fourth Sunday of Easter(C)
05/05/2019 Third Sunday of Easter(C)
28/04/2019 Second Sunday of Easter(C)
21/04/2019 Easter Sunday(C)
03/03/2018 8th Sunday Ord. (C)
24/02/2019 7th Sunday Ord. (C)
17/02/2019 6th Sunday Ord. (C)
10/02/2019 5th Sunday Ord. (C)
03/02/2019 4th Sunday Ord. (C)
27/01/2019 3rd Sunday Ord. (C)
20/01/2019 2nd Sunday Ord. (C)
13/01/2019 Baptism of the Lord (C)
06/01/2019 Epiphany (C)


Newsletter – 6/01/2018 Holy Family Sunday, Year C
Newsletter – 30/12/2018 Holy Family Sunday, Year C
Newsletter – 23/12/2018 4th Sunday of Advent, Year C
Newsletter – 16/12/2018 3rd Sunday of Advent, Year C
Newsletter – 09/12/2018 2nd Sunday of Advent, Year C
Newsletter – 02/12/2018 First Sunday of Advent, Year C
Newsletter – 25/11/2018 Christ the King, Year B
Newsletter – 18/11/2018 33rd Sunday Ordinary Time, Year B
Newsletter – 11/11/2018 32nd Sunday Ordinary Time, Year B
Newsletter – 04/11/2018 31st Sunday Ordinary Time, Year B
Newsletter – 28/10/2018 30th Sunday Ordinary Time, Year B
Newsletter – 21/10/2018 29th Sunday Ordinary Time, Year B
Newsletter – 14/10/2018 28th Sunday Ordinary Time, Year B
Newsletter – 7/10/2018 27th Sunday Ordinary Time, Year B
Newsletter – 30/09/2018 26th Sunday Ordinary Time, Year B
Newsletter – 23/09/2018 25th Sunday Ordinary Time, Year B
Newsletter – 09/09/2018 23rd Sunday Ordinary Time, Year B
Newsletter – 02/09/2018 22nd Sunday Ordinary Time, Year B
Newsletter – 26/08/2018 21st Sunday Ordinary Time, Year B
Newsletter – 19/08/2018 20th Sunday Ordinary Time, Year B
Newsletter – 12/08/2018 19th Sunday Ordinary Time, Year B
Newsletter – 05/08/2018 18th Sunday Ordinary Time, Year B
Newsletter – 29/07/2018 17th Sunday Ordinary Time, Year B
Newsletter – 22/07/2018 16th Sunday Ordinary Time, Year B
Newsletter – 15/07/2018 15th Sunday Ordinary Time, Year B
Newsletter – 8/07/2018 14th Sunday Ordinary Time, Year B
Newsletter – 1/07/2018 13th Sunday Ordinary Time, Year B
Newsletter – 24/06/2018 Nativity of John the Baptist, Year B
Newsletter – 17/06/2018 11th Sunday Ordinary Time, Year B
Newsletter – 10/06/2018 10th Sunday Ordinary Time, Year B
Newsletter – 03/06/2018 9th Sunday Ordinary Time, Year B
Newsletter – 27/05/2018 Holy Trinity, Year B
Newsletter – 13/05/2018 7th Sunday of Easter
Newsletter – 29/04/2018 5th Sunday of Easter
Newsletter – 22/04/2018 4th Sunday of Easter
Newsletter – 15/04/2018 3rd Sunday of Easter
Newsletter – 08/04/2018 2nd Sunday of Easter
Newsletter – 01/04/2018 Easter Sunday
Newsletter – 25/03/2018 Palm Sunday
Newsletter – 25/03/2018 Palm Sunday
Newsletter – 18/03/2018 Fifth Sunday of Lent in Ordinary Time
Newsletter – 11/03/2018 Fourth Sunday of Lent in Ordinary Time
Newsletter – 04/03/2018 Third Sunday of Lent in Ordinary Time
Newsletter – 25/02/2018 Second Sunday of Lent in Ordinary Time
Newsletter – 18/02/2018 First Sunday of Lent in Ordinary Time
Newsletter – 11/02/2018 6th Sunday of the year in Ordinary Time
Newsletter – 04/02/2018 5th Sunday of the year in Ordinary Time
Newsletter – 21/01/2018 3rd Sunday of the year in Ordinary Time
Newsletter – 06/01/2018 Epiphany


Newsletter – 31/12/2017 Holy Family Day
Newsletter – 24/12/2017 Fourth Sunday of Advent / Christmas Eve
Newsletter – 17/12/2017 Third Sunday of Advent
Newsletter – 10/12/2017 Second Sunday of Advent
Newsletter – 03/12/2017 First Sunday of Advent
Newsletter – 26/11/2017 Feast of Christ the King
Newsletter – 19/11/2017 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Newsletter – 12/11/2017 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Newsletter – 05/11/2017 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Newsletter – 29/10/2017 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Newsletter – 22/10/2017 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Newsletter – 15/10/2017 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Newsletter – 08/10/2017 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Newsletter – 01/10/2017 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Newsletter – 24/09/2017 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Newsletter – 17/09/2017 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Newsletter – 10/09/2017 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Newsletter – 03/09/2017 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Newsletter – 27/08/2017 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Newsletter – 20/08/2017 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Newsletter – 13/08/2017 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Newsletter – 06/08/2017 Transfiguration
Newsletter – 30/07/2017 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Newsletter – 23/07/2017 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Newsletter – 16/07/2017 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Newsletter – 09/07/2017 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Newsletter – 02/07/2017 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Newsletter – 25/06/2017 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Newsletter – 18/06/2017 Corpus Christii
Newsletter – 11/06/2017 Holy Trinity Sunday
Newsletter – 04/06/2017 Pentecost Sunday
Newsletter – 28/05/2017 Ascension Sunday of Easter
Newsletter – 21/05/2017 Sixth Sunday of Easter
Newsletter – 14/05/2017 Fifth Sunday of Easter
Newsletter – 07/05/2017 Fourth Sunday of Easter
Newsletter – 30/04/2017 Third Sunday of Easter
Newsletter – 23/04/2017 Divine Mercy Sunday
Newsletter – 16/04/2017 Easter Sunday
Newsletter – 09/04/2017 Palm Sunday Year A
Newsletter – 02/04/2017 5th Sunday of Lent Year A
Newsletter – 26/03/2017 4th Sunday of Lent Year A
Newsletter – 19/03/2017 3rd Sunday of Lent Year A
Newsletter – 12/03/2017 2nd Sunday of Lent Year A
Newsletter – 05/03/2017 1st Sunday of Lent Year A
Newsletter – 26/02/2017 8th Sunday Year A
Newsletter – 19/02/2017 7th Sunday Year A
Newsletter – 12/02/2017 6th Sunday Year A
Newsletter – 05/02/2017 5th Sunday Year A
Newsletter – 29/01/2017 4th Sunday Year A
Newsletter – 15/01/2017 3rd Sunday Year A
Newsletter – 15/01/2017 2nd Sunday Year A
Newsletter – 08/01/2017 Epiphany Year A
Newsletter – 01/01/2017 Mary Mother of God Year A


Newsletter – 25/12/2016 Christmas Day Year A
Newsletter – 18/12/2016 Fourth Sunday of Advent Year A
Newsletter – 11/12/2016 Third Sunday of Advent Year A
Newsletter – 04/12/2016 Second Sunday of Advent Year A
Newsletter – 27/11/2016 First Sunday of Advent Year A
Newsletter – 20/11/2016 34th Sunday Ordinary Time Year C
Newsletter – 13/11/2016 33rd Sunday Ordinary Time Year C
Newsletter – 06/11/2016 32nd Sunday Ordinary Time Year C
Newsletter – 23/10/2016 30th Sunday Ordinary Time Year C
Newsletter – 16/10/2016 29th Sunday Ordinary Time Year C
Newsletter – 09/10/2016 28th Sunday Ordinary Time Year C
Newsletter – 02/10/2016 27th Sunday Ordinary Time Year C
Newsletter – 25/09/2016 26th Sunday Ordinary Time Year C
Newsletter – 18/09/2016 25th Sunday Ordinary Time Year C
Newsletter – 11/09/2016 24th Sunday Ordinary Time Year C
Newsletter – 05/09/2016 23rd Sunday Ordinary Time Year C
Newsletter – 28/08/2016 22nd Sunday Ordinary Time Year C
Newsletter – 21/08/2016 21st Sunday Ordinary Time Year C
Newsletter – 14/08/2016 20th Sunday Ordinary Time Year C
Newsletter – 07/08/2016 19th Sunday Ordinary Time Year C
Newsletter – 31/07/2016 18th Sunday Ordinary Time Year C
Newsletter – 24/07/2016 17th Sunday Ordinary Time Year C
Newsletter – 16/07/2016 16th Sunday Ordinary Time Year C
Newsletter – 10/07/2016 15th Sunday Ordinary Time Year C
Newsletter – 03/07/2016 14th Sunday Ordinary Time Year C
Newsletter – 26/06/2016 13th Sunday Ordinary Time Year C
Newsletter – 19/06/2016 12th Sunday Ordinary Time Year C
Newsletter – 12/06/2016 11th Sunday Ordinary Time Year C
Newsletter – 05/06/2016 10th Sunday Ordinary Time Year C
Newsletter – 29/05/2016 Corpus Cristi Year C
Newsletter – 22/05/2016 Trinity Sunday
Newsletter – 15/05/2016 Pentecost
Newsletter – 08/05/2016 Ascension Sunday
Newsletter – 01/05/2016 6th Sunday of Easter Year C
Newsletter – 24/04/2016 5th Sunday of Easter Year C
Newsletter – 10/04/2016 3rd Sunday of Easter
Newsletter – 03/04/2016 2nd Sunday of Easter
Newsletter – 27/03/2016 – Easter Sunday
Newsletter – 20/03/2016 – Palm Sunday