A few days ago I read in a publication that this tragedy of the coronavirus will be a genocide for the poor. Most of the poor don’t get the necessary information and when they get it they don’t understand how serious it is.
«Why do I have to stay home when I am not feeling sick»?
Besides, the information constantly broadcasted, is given to people who are not able to understand and follow all the recommendations. A few days ago, before the emergency situation, I saw this young man, late at night, looking for food in a garbage can. I helped him but I had no courage to give him a «lecture» about the inconvenience or danger of looking for food in those places. My heart was broken. I told him that God loves him and so do I. I said good bye and came home in silence.
Our Association «People Helping People» has a good number of families that for years have depended on our help for food, medication, house rent, transportation and other basic needs. The only regular source of income has been a collection taken at the end of the English Mass that I celebrate every Sunday, at the Chapel of Penha de França, and also a monthly donation from a generous couple who are the parents of three children.
Now, since all the Masses have been suspended, for an undetermined period of time, we have lost this income. The families who depended on us are desperate and we are more desperate than them. I have been thinking that these people probably will not die of the Coronavirus but will die of hunger, lack of medication or suicide. Recently a 15-year-old girl stole all the medicine her mother had in store for her mental problems and took all of them to end her life. Now we had this unexpected expense. Besides the pain and the agony of seeing a beautiful young girl about to die we had to find money to replace the medication she had stolen from her mother. And we had no money.
They are constantly leaving voice mail and SMS messages. We are planning to compile their SMS messages and probably publish a book with the title of «Cries of the Poor». They are the real «Cries of the Poor» expressed by them, in their words.
The lack of the Sunday collection has been the main reason why I am writing this dramatic appeal. The tourists attending the English Mass have always demonstrated a rare sense of generosity. Some have told me: «I want to leave Madeira a little better than when I arrived».
I would like to suggest that you, please, talk with your friends and build a little «People Helping People» group in your neighborhood to help «People Helping People» in Madeira Island. We follow Mother Teresa´s vision when she said: «What I do for others is just a little drop of water in the ocean, but without that drop of water the ocean is smaller». Together we will prevent a genocide among the poor. Together the poor and the rich will all be winners. Together, it will be like it says in the Book of Revelation: «God will wipe away all tears from their eyes. There will be no more death, no more grief or crying or pain. The old things disappeared… And now I will make all things new». (Rev. 21: 4-5)
Love and Peace,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade, March 29, 2020
Here are the banking details of “People Helping People” should you wish to donate. Any donation, no matter how small, can make a huge difference to someone who has nothing! Thank you for caring.
BANK: Banco Santander Totta
Account Name: Associação Gente Ajudando Gente / PHP
Account Number: 0003 4938 1759020
NIB: 0018 0003 49381759020 94
IBAN: PT50 0018 0003 49381759020 94
Bank Address: Caminho de Santa Quitéria 46A, 9020-119, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal
Hello Fr. Bernardino,
We send all our love and best wishes to the beautiful people of Madeira. You may recall a tall man, and his wife who collected some communion dresses for the young girls of Madeira, so they could share that magical event in any young life – the First Holy Communion.
We have not been able to visit since last July, and were talking about the problems there must be among the poor of your parishes. Although we had planned a trip to the Algarve in May it has been cancelled because of the virus.
We decided that the refund of our Flight fares had been spent already – and it was an opportunity to re- direct the funds to “People Helping People”, in the hope that it might relieve some of the suffering over there! Sandra, will make the transfer of the Euros in the next day or two.
God willing this curse will pass soon, and the toll will not be too many.
The shock has brought many to the realisation that kindness and humility, is worth more than “all the tea in China!” May the wake up call be remembered for ever.
Please give our love and best wishes to Manny and Tracy and all who make Mass such a beautiful experience.We hope to be back again before too long, if God spares us.
Our love and best wishes, God Bless all!
John and Sandra McDonald (Liverpool, England)
Dear Fr Bernardino
We have been attending mass at the Capella for many years, and l would guess you probably know us by sight.
Thank you for this beautiful homily which l will circulate amongst our friends and also on my Facebook account specifically to those who l know regularly go to the beautiful island of Madeira.
I will transfer to the account above and also set up a direct debit.
Always your kindness flows from you and glows like a halo .. you don’t see it but we do. 😇
Dear Chrissie and Tom
Thank you so much! Would you send your email via the contact form on this website, so that Father Bernardino can thank you personally.
Kind Regards,
Deborah de Jesus
Dear Fr Bernardino
We came to visit last Easter and again at Christmas and you may remember we left you an Orange!
We were coming this year on Easter Sunday and all has been cancelled. We are praying hard for you all and have sent a donation which may help a little to relieve the appalling plight of the poor in Madeira.
You are a real inspiration!
David & Joanna Bowe
Dear David and Joanna
Thank you for your kind words and the donation. Would you send me your email address via the contact form on this website, as Father Bernardino would like to send you an email to thank you personally.
Kind regards,
Deborah de Jesus
Good Morning Fr Bernadino,
We have been to Mass in the Chapel many times while staying in Madeira. We have tried in the past to make a donation by banking but have failed. Anyway we think we have now got it sorted! – Fingers crossed.
We hope to make a small donation soon having started to put wheels in motion again.
We do miss seeing you but are grounded here in sunny Yorkshire due to health and age and of course the dreaded virus.
We will pray for you and all the good work you do.
Please pray for us
Ann & Alastair
Looks like we have at last managed to make a donation Father – a small thank you for our happy memories of a wonderful island and hospitable people looking after us.
Alastair & Ann