ROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – What I learned about God from my mechanic


Some people think, and tell me, that I am a good driver. Usually they are kind people who like to make other people feel happy. And, I learned a long time ago, that the most special people in the world are those people who make other people feel special. Also I learned a long time ago that the most miserable people in the world are those people who make other people feel miserable.

Well… many people think, and tell me, that I am a good driver… except for my mechanic. My mechanic doesn’t think so, and he doesn’t tell me that I am a good driver. And the reason is because he is getting tired of replacing the clutch of my car! I get the impression that when he changes the clutch of my car he feels like he is ready to make the next appointment for the same kind of service. He knows that sooner or later I am calling him again.

This is what happened last week. I called him and informed him about the signs that I was getting while I was driving. The latest sign was that strange smell of a burning clutch.

I explained all the details, told him that I had the feeling that the clutch was in its final stage and, I finally asked him: «What should I do now»? His short answer was: «Nothing. Now you can do nothing. Now I am the one who is going to do the job».

I strongly believe that God talks with me through different ways. He talks with me through the Bible, through prayer and also through the events of my daily life. Through the answer of my mechanic I could see that sometimes God is telling me something like my mechanic. «Now you can do nothing. Just leave it up to me».

Sometimes we face problems in our lives that can be easily solved by ourselves. It just requires some more of our time, some more of our patience, some more of our effort or the help of a good friend.

But there are problems in our lives that when we cry to God in prayer saying: «Lord! What can I do now?» The answer from God will be: «Nothing. You can do nothing. Just let me do it for you. Now it is my job to fix what his broken. Just trust me.» “You are my son, the beloved; my favour rests on you”. Lk. 3: 22).

Love and Peace,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade


  1. Inocencia Delgado

    Hi Fr Bernadino

    I loved this message,

    Hope to see you soon at Mass, wish I lived closer so I could come every Sunday, we live in Sao Jorge.

    Take care.

    Inocencia Delgado

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