Scripture Readings 10th September 2017, 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

Ezek 33:7-9; Ps 94(95): 1-2. 6-9 r.7-8; Rom 13:8-10; Matt 18:15-20

Ezekiel says the authority of religious leaders comes with a daunting responsibility. Religious leaders who fail to instruct people correctly will suffer the same fate as the sinners they have failed to guide wisely. After the exile in 587 BC Ezekiel promises hope for a future return to Jerusalem – providing individuals accept responsibility for sins and purify themselves of false gods.

The joyful processional Psalm 94(95) urges us to give to God the praise and thanks we owe him. Even after the Hebrews quarrelled and put God to the test at Meribah, God gave them water in the desert.
Paul advises the Romans that each person is responsible for their actions: obey secular authorities, whose authority comes from God. Above all “love your neighbour as yourself”.

Matthew’s Gospel authorises groups of Christians to challenge wrongdoers. But the awesome authority of the Church to bind and loose on God’s behalf is put into context by the last verse of the Gospel reading. Jesus will be in the midst of those who meet in his name – and will therefore ensure their decisions are in tune with God’s will. The Church’s power to include or exclude individuals is only to be exercised after due deliberation by the whole Christian community.

Psalm Response: O that today you would listen to his voice! “Harden not your hearts.”

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