Scripture Readings, 27th March 2016, Easter Sunday, Year C

Scripture Readings

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Luke’s Book of Acts describes Jesus’ continuing activity on earth through his Holy Spirit. Cornelius was told in a vision to send for Peter. Meanwhile Peter in a vision was told that all animals and birds are suitable for eating, implying the restrictions of the Jewish Law were ending. So Peter was now willing to enter the house of Cornelius, even though he was a Gentile. Peter’s eloquent speech is interrupted by the Holy Spirit pouring his gifts on these Gentiles. Peter then realises that forgiveness of sins is offered to “everyone who believes” in Jesus’ name.
Paul draws the Colossians’ attention away from earthly rules of religion: they should focus on the life to come when they “will appear with Christ in glory”. In the alternative reading Paul tells the Corinthians that sexual immorality should be cleaned out of the Church, like old yeast before the feast of Unleavened Bread, which followed Passover.
In the three synoptic gospels three women discover the tomb empty and run to tell the apostles. But in John’s gospel Mary of Magdala is alone. She finds the stone removed from the tomb. Without going inside she runs to tell Peter. Peter goes in first and sees the empty burial cloths. When the other disciple goes in, he believes.
Psalm Response: This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad.

(Acts 10:34,37-43; Ps 117(118); Col 3:1-4/1 Cor 5:6-9; Jn 20:1-9)

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